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Category Archives: News & Resources

Expect More Than a Three Hour Tour: Boat Insurance Could Bail You Out

According to the National Marine Manufacturers Association, Florida is home to over 900,000 registered boats, awarding it the top spot for state registered vessels in the United States. However, the reputation for being the boating capital of the U.S. brings with it a level of responsibility among watercraft owners as well as a propensity for problematic waterways. In addition to common safety procedures of which every boat owner should be apprised, there are a slew of prudent practices that are often times overlooked, causing malfunction and in some cases peril on the pond. As boating season ramps up, we offer suggestions on how to protect your recreational investment and limit your liability in the case of unforeseen events.

Hurricane Preparation Should Include a Homeowner’s Insurance Review

Insurance companies throughout the state of Florida are advising policyholders to be prepared for hurricane season. With weather experts predicting an active storm season, those Floridians who fail to take pre-emptive measures, instead opting to weather the storm, may endure the agony of Mother Nature’s aftermath.

Waiting Out Storm Season Without Flood Insurance: You May Be in Too Deep

With the dog days of Florida fast approaching, temperatures are turning up and air conditioning units are turning on. The influx of spring breakers gives way to summer vacation, as sweaters are swapped for sunscreen. Among Floridians, these subtle changes also serve as an annual reminder that hurricane season looms on the horizon.